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*~~*Chapter 1*~~*

‘Damn I hate to fly! Why did they feel the need to hold the family reunion in Scotland of all places?’ I think to myself as I make my way onto the airplane.

I truly hate to fly – scares me to death! So, that’s why I am prepared for this flight from hell! 16 hours of pure hell for me!

‘Ok. First class, Row 4, Seat 1. OH HELL NO! It’s by the goddamned window!’ Ok! Now it’s time to find a stewardess. I am NOT sitting by the window for 16 hours! I run my fingers through the long red curls of my hair. This is not the way I expected to spend this ‘vacation’; my life is crazy enough!

Between the classes at the community college I am attending, a bad break-up with my boyfriend of 2 years and the other crap, my life isn’t much to talk about at this point in time!

“Excuse me, ma’am. Is there any possible way I can get my seat changed? I really can’t fly next to a window!” I ask the first stewardess I see.

“Sorry, ma’am. We have a full flight. There is no way you can change seats at this time. After we are in the air, though, if there is a vacant seat, then you can move.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” I turn back around and make my way back to my seat. ‘Well, may as well make the best of it,’ I think as I take out the book I’ve needed to read for class & my headphones. I check the CD – my favorite: Linkin Park. Good music & good book to keep my mind off my fears & this flight! As long as I don’t get someone next to me that wants to talk constantly – or worse yet, a crying child, I’ll be doing fine. Maybe if someone sits next to me, they won’t mind switching places after we are in the air.

I put my headphones on & open my book, putting on my small reading glasses. Not the best book in the world – I’ve already tried unsuccessfully to attempt it twice! ‘Last of the Mohicans’ is an excellent movie – I just can’t get into the book! It’s too boring!

I somehow zone out and don’t even notice anything else for about twenty minutes, when I suddenly feel the plane begin to move away from the terminal. ‘Oh, shit! Please just let me get through the takeoff without a panic attack & I’ll be fine!’

“Ma’am, you’ll have to turn off your headphones until we get in the air,” the stewardess tells me, leaning over slightly.

“Uh, ok. No problem.” I turn off my CD player & put the headphones around my neck. Easy reach for when I can put them on again!

That’s when I notice the guy next to me. When did he get here?

He’s not bad looking at all. Short dark hair, sunglasses and nice goatee. Wonder if he’d mind switching seats with me later?

As the plane starts down the runway & picks up speed, I just close my eyes, hold my breath & grip the arms of the seat. ‘Ok, Lilly! Breathe…breathe…we’ll be in the air in a few minutes & everything will be fine!’ I try to breathe normally & put happy thoughts in my head. Seeing your cousins, nieces, nephews, sister, brother… Damn, that ain’t working! Music! Linkin Park, Creed and Godsmack! There we go…better.’

“I take it you don’t like to fly?” I hear from beside me.

“Hate it with a passion,” I say with a nervous laugh & an attempt at a smile. “I wouldn’t fly if I didn’t have to! Just don’t have a choice this time! I’m Lillian,” I say, holding out my hand & introducing myself. “You wouldn’t happen to want to switch seats with me, would ya? I can’t stand to be seated next to a window in a plane!” I just hope & pray that he’ll take me up on that offer!

Chapter 2