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*~~*Chapter 6*~~*

Chapter 6 *AJ’s POV*

The flight did not seem to take long before it got dark. I was tired but I wanted to stay up and continue to talk to my new friend. "I am so tired," she said softly, for everyone else was asleep.

"I completely understand…" I nod in agreement.

"But I am… kind of afraid to sleep on airplanes," she said, even softer and it took a moment for the words to hit and register.

"Oh… well… if you want… we can put up this middle thing and I can hold you while you sleep," I say before I can even stop to think about what I said. I fear that she will completely hate me know.

*All my life my biggest fear has been rejection. All I ever wanted was to be liked by everyone I knew. So I would try hard to stand out so I could get attention. It worked for the most part.

My mom was always there to pay attention to me. The group paid attention to me. And sometimes I can’t help but wonder if maybe my drinking thing was another attention thing, just taken a little to far.

Sarah used to give me a fair amount of attention, but then we grew apart. I wanted something more then she had to offer. Something more then everyone so far, that I met, had to offer. But I got the feeling that Lillian was going to mean more in my life then I would ever understand. *

Chapter 7