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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.


Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.


We're Amazed


We witness Your works, we’re amazed

We will hold You in awe all our days

(And ‘though) we worship you in different ways

You’re the one great God due every praise



Hear our song

Hear our song

All praises belong to You

We’re amazed

We’re amazed

Hear our praise for You,

O Father

We’re amazed



As Your people set apart we stand tall

But as disparate groups we would fall

(And ‘though) we struggle to be united with all

You’re the one great God on Whom we can call



Your people unite

In awe and wonder

Amazing are Your ways

To You we render praise

Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .