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Great Southern Land



Lyrics and music by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2003.


Hosanna Blessed

(featuring Ashley Muk from the Favoured Chick album)

  Encore file for sheet music.

You pave the way, it will be done

Palms wave for the most blessed one

Hosanna, blessed

Hosanna, blessed


You gave Your Son Christ Jesus

Triumphantly He frees us

Hosanna, blessed

Hosanna, blessed


He’s a cave for me to shelter in

Enclave for safe sure harbouring

Hosanna, blessed

Hosanna, blessed


My praise is ever for Thee

I raise Thee in Thy glory

Hosanna, blessed

Hosanna, blessed


Hosanna, blessed be the Lord!


Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .