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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.


Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.


I Will Ever Dwell in You

John 15:7-8

I will ever dwell in you Lord

And your words will dwell in me

And whatever I ask

You will satisfy

It will be given me

To glorify you Father

That I may bear much fruit

And show myself

As your disciple

I will ever dwell in you


I will ever pray to you Lord

And inhale your holy words

And I’ll be content

For you are my all

You are so good to me

To glorify you Father

That I may bear much fruit

And show myself

As your disciple

I will ever pray to you  



Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .