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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.


Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.

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Proverbs 4

Pay attention my disciple, you’ll get smart.
Lay hold of these words with all your heart.

I’ll give you this information straight,
and my teaching you must never forsake.
Wisdom will crown you although dearly it will cost her.

Get understanding and you will surely prosper.

Don’t forget this, turn or swerve away.
Be true to wisdom, and she will save the day.


Listen up; these are the words of light

to guide you in all of your days.
Neither swerve to the left nor the right;
but keep your feet from evil ways.

Your life, then, will be fruitful and humble.
When you run, I guarantee, you will not stumble.

Follow the straight paths according to this talk.
You will defeat obstacles along your walk;
But you’ll not tread a path of victory
if you’re walking together with bad company.
Avoid it, do not travel with strife;
Guard instruction, for it is your life.



Listen closely to the words I say; don’t scorn!

The righteous path is like the gleaming dawn,
shining ever brighter ‘til full light of day.
Pay attention, listen up to what I say;
Your eyes should look straight to the destination,
For your feet set paths with no deviation,
Fix your gaze directly ahead of you.

Keep your tongue from evil and corruption, too.

Br. (Response)

Wells of life spring from the pure heart,

I keep your instructions deep within my heart;
For now I’ve found them they are my wealth
and to my body homeopathic health.


Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .