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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.


Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.

Lydia's Limerick

(Lord, Open My Heart)


Lord, Open my Heart

Open my Heart

Lord, Open my heart

I pray


Verse 1

Like Lydia with purple cloth from Thyatira,

To Paul’s message she was more than just a hearer,

O Lord open now my heart

To respond to do my part

I will understand Your words then so much clearer


Verse 2

Open my waiting heart and make it fervent

For the message You’ll impart now through Your servant

Help me listen for Your Word

Help me act on what I’ve heard

Help me attend to what You say and help me learn it


Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .