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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.


Contact me if the Spirit gives you the sentimental music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.


The Music of Your Love


Like a breeze drifting through the wind chimes of my mind

Your gentle love, music true, my heart strings can entwine

It’s wonderful how things unseen can move me and enthral

And it’s your great love, the thing that’s the most wonderful of all



The music of your love

Like lavender incense

The music of your love

It soothes my loneliness


Like cherry blossoms’ bumble bees

I hear your music humming

Wafting on the perfumed breeze

Like harp strings softly strumming



The music of your love

Melodies imbued with meaning

The music of your love

Becomes the essence of my being


The music of your love

Sunlight dancing on the flowers

The music of your love

Oh I could dwell in it for hours




Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .