Great Southern Land
Lyrics by Barbara Tipper
All rights reserved © 2002.
Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.
In One Chronicles Sixteen
Verses eight to twelve we read
That these are the things that we should do:
Always give thanks to the Lord,
And when we pray call on His name;
And tell the nations about all that He has done.
It also says that we should sing to Him,
sing praises to the Lord;
telling of His wonderful acts.
Glory in His holy name;
And let the seeking hearts rejoice
For the Lord is found by those who seek Him true.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
Recall the wonders He has done,
This include his miracles,
and the judgments He pronounced.
That’s great advice from the old book of Chronicles.
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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .