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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

Music by Ng Wah Lok

All rights reserved © 2002.


Star on the Hill

Written and recorded for Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church, Bukit Bintang, Malayisa, in support of the church building project.


Verse 1

G     Am7         G/B  C   

I am nothing much,

      G         Am7           G/B  C

In fact I’m made from dust

G                Am7     G/B      C

I’m  just a common garden stone

        C/D               D              G

But one You can shape and hone


Verse 2

Til at the core of me

The purest diamond You see

The dancing of Your rainbow lights

In the facets of my life



                                                 C            D

Place these rocks where they belong

                                      G    D/F#  Em

Sacrificed foundation strong

                                                C G/B   Am

Bind us with Your love, we are the bricks

              G        D

Placed side by side


                                                C      D

Place these rocks where they belong

                                      G  D/F#   Em

Sacrificed foundation strong

                                            C    G/B       Am

Of the purest diamonds Your house build

          G           D           G

The brightest star on the hill


Verse 3

Master Sculptor refine

Til lights inside me shine

Purified raw rock and sand

A diamond honed by Your hand


Verse 4

Gather up your gems

A cluster on this hill

Catch the people’s weary eyes

Reflect Light in their lives


Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .