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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.

Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.


We Appreciate You

(The Clap Offering Song)


We appreciate you (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

We appreciate you (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

We appreciate you (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

We appreciate you (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)


We enthrone You as our Lord (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

The one true God we applaud (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

Loving Father Abba (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

Jesus our great brother (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)


Accept our praise as You hear it (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

Father, Brother and Spirit (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

Spirit helper and friend (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

Your comfort will never end (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)


We appreciate you (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

We appreciate you (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

Your ways are perfect and right (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)

In applause we unite (We appreciate you, we appreciate you)


Hear our rowdy praise

We worship You in many ways

A joyful noise

from girls and boys

A standing ovation

from Your holy nation



Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .