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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

All rights reserved © 2002.


Contact me if the Spirit gives you the jazz music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.


Be Transformed

Romans 12:2


V1. Well I’m not gonna change

Just because I get a passion

And I’m not gonna change

Just so I can be in fashion

And the world might think I’m strange

‘Cos I don’t wanna take its cue

But I will be transformed

As in Romans twelve verse two



I can surely be transformed by the Spirit

I can kick and swim against the tide

Not conformed to the world an’ what’s in it

I’ll be renewed with Jesus in my mind


Spoken/Whispered          Be transformed

You know what to do

Gotta set your mind to thinkin’ anew


V2. Well I can be transformed

I can distinguish good from bad

And I can be transformed

Perfection comes from God’s own hand

I’m the creation His hands formed

Pleasing in His sight, and you?

You can be transformed

As in Romans twelve verse two



You can surely be transformed by the Spirit

You can kick and swim against the tide

Not conformed to the world an’ what’s in it

You’ll be renewed with Jesus in your mind


Spoken/Whispered          Be transformed

You know what to do

                                       Gotta set your mind to thinkin’ anew




Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .