Great Southern Land
Lyrics by Barbara Tipper
All rights reserved © 2002.
Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.
For Erica Hambrech
Verse 1
Your heart of gold, your freckled, smiling face
With eyes of love that light the darkest place
You were called to serve the Lord
To tend the children you adored
He had a purpose for you we could never understand
When you were beckoned and you clasped your Saviour’s hand
Mansions, many mansions
My Father’s House has many mansions
In our dreams you’re happy there
holding the children, you love and care
In Heaven’s light filled mansions
where the tinkling chimes ring in the breeze
and the children’s rhymes they sing to please
and the mansions echo with your praise and cheers
Verse 2
You were with us, so we thought, as our first girl
But your mission would extend beyond this world
In heaven’s mansions you are there
Caring for loved ones small and dear
Though we still wanted you here with us on earth to share
Your heavenly calling pacifies our hearts to bear
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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .