Great Southern Land
Lyrics by Barbara Tipper
All rights reserved © 2002.
Contact me if the Spirit gives you the music to these words. I'm looking for a composer collaborator.
When the rooster crows
It hits me
I don’t know Him,
Was never with Him
Well that’s the probably the message I confide
I’ve not mentioned my journey by His wounded side
When the rooster crows
I’m sorry
My back I turned
I couldn’t see Him
Imagine the pain He felt each time He heard
Though my denial was far from what my Lord deserved
I deny my Lord
Once or twice
Even three times
But only notice
When the rooster crows and dawn is in my eyes
Forgive my apathy, denials, silence and lies
The darkness hid me
Long the night
Anxious, selfish
I left him dying
Yet He reaches down and wipes my tears away
His love extends beyond the rooster’s crow each day
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This page was last updated 09 June, 2004 .