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Cloud Maxwell

Name: Cloud Maxwell

Race: Half-wizard "Battle Sorcerer", symbiote with Seru

Power: Fire-based

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Weapon: sword Excalibur, Wind Seru Kaba

A distant cousin of Amaro Yui, Cloud Maxwell is one of the few people of the Silver Dragons' allies who does not always fight with a weapon but with purely his own brute strength. Raised in the wilderness, he learned to fistfight for defense.

When Cloud does use a weapon, he uses Excalibur, King Arthur's sword. Cloud is decended from Merlin, the sword's original owner, and from that ancestry he gets his power and his strongest technique, "Holy King's Wrath".

Cloud is fused with a being called a Seru. This being, which fused onto Cloud in the form of a gauntlet and glove, is named Kaba and has Wind-class powers. Its fusion with Cloud granted him immortality and a lot of power. It also guaranteed him a place in Phobos MacCarthy's Iron Wyverns.