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Ripley Scarlet-Yui

Name: Ripley Amelia Scarlet-Yui

Race: Human

Power: Shadow-based

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Red

Weapon: skilled in everything, prefers a scimitar

Ripley is Neyon Karowitz's twin sister. When Neyon was kidnapped and their parents were killed, Ripley went into hiding for seven years. At twelve, she met Maxwell Yui and Kendaku Li Zero. Together, they formed the Luminienne Rebellion by taking over the abandoned Fort Outpost and renaming it Fort Luminienne, an altered form of the Latin word Luminaire, "To Give (or Create) Light".

Ripley is the most skilled warrior alive second only to Queen Czarina and the Silver Dragons. She prefers to fight with a scimitar, a long, curved Arabian sword. She is also very powerful with Shadow-based spells, including her signature ability, the Hydra Trio, which creates three black energy serpents that attack in tandem.