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Chapter 1


Farah of Nozama walked towards her father’s room, in their castle. Farah was motherless, her mother died conceiving her baby brother. Farah was of normal height, had soft yellow eyes, a Norman nose, and dirty golden-brown hair. Farah had the Gift, the power of magic. She was not very skilled at magic, but she could do simple spells.

She opened the door, and her father looked up with a smile. “Hilloo punkin. Happy birthday!” he said as he winked at her. Farah had just turned ten. “May I have the last letter?” said Farah. Before her mother died, she wrote six letters. She got one letter every birthday until she was ten.

”OK” he said as he passed her the sacred final letter. It read:

Dear Farah,

I’m sorry I cannot be there for your birthday. I want to tell you something very important. What you are about to read might make you angry, but it is for your own good. I am not dead. I was sent to the past, about six years ago, to try and stop the assassination of King Jonathan. When I went to rescue the king from torture by magic, I got enchanted into a sword. I was thrown into the middle of the Great Inland Sea. Although a part of my soul is in the sword, the other is in the Divine Realm. The Great Mother Goddess say she has big plans for you. Train as a knight, and come to my rescue.

Goddess Bless

Farah looked over the letter a few times. She walked out the door and walked to her room. She opened the door, and began to cry without restraint. A few minutes later. Her mind was set: She would become a knight.

To Chapter 2

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