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The Crossover

Chapter 1

     Kel could hear arrows whistling past her ear, as the battle raged on around her. They had been fighting the Scanrans for the past three days! Not that they had been fighting the whole time, but every day there had been combat. Keladry of Mindelan, or Kel for short, was tall, muscular, and a knight of the realm of Tortall. She had mouse brown hair, brilliant green eyes, and a bandage on her arm for the sword wound she had taken the first day of fighting. She had been forced to stay out of the battle the second day, much to her dismay. But she was back in action.
     "Kel!" yelled Domitan of Masbolle. "We need you over here! On of our squad leaders is down and both of the corporals are dead!"
Domitan, or Dom for short, was a squad leader in the Third company of the King's Own. And as for him asking Kel to be a commander, she was a born one, as she had proven when facing bandits as a page, and border patrol in her last year as a squire.
     Kel trotted over to where Dom stood waiting. "Which captain is down?" Kel never got an answer, because at that minute, the Scanrans started doing something very particular. They had all grouped around a strange man in bright blue robes.
     "What in the world is he doing!!!! Mithros's shield! We are in trouble!" yelped Dom.
     For at that time, the man, no, Kel thought, he has to be a wizard, the wizard started emitting blue sparks. Then, all of a sudden, a blue ball of light shot from his hands, enveloping Kel, Dom, Neal, Cleon, Daine, and Numair, all of which were there. Kel could feel her self falling, falling, falling…

To Chapter 2

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