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hapter 2

Chapter 2
     "Oi! Lily!" cried Arabella Figg, a pretty 17-year-old who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with her 6 best friends and one not-so-good friend.
     "Ara! It's so good to see you again! My Uncle was absolutely awful this year. My parents sent me off to him and awful Narcissa this summer, as we are 'both magical and have soooooo much in common!' She actually thinks that she will be Head Girl this year! Actually, I am. Got the letter at beginning of summer, when I was still at my parents house! I hate 'Cissa! Urgh! You cut your hair! Why? It was so pretty before. So long and smooth! And it was blond too! It was so pretty with your blue eyes! Unlike my red hair with green eyes! Urgh!" Lily said all of this very fast and in one breath. Unlike all her other friends, Lily was only 15. She skipped up two grades in her first year.
     "Congrats. We can catch up on the train, lets go find the boys, 'Lina and Michelle!" Ara said, not wanting to miss the train. "Come on!"
          In common room!
     "I am going to kill him!" whispered Sirius Black to Lily Evans. "How can you let him do that to you! I told you to come to me if it happened again!"
     "Siri, leave it. I'm alright now, don't make it worse. Please. And don't tell James and Remus," Lily pleaded. James Potter and Remus Lupin were her best friends, along with Kalina Mendelis, Michelle Kalbin, and, of course, Ara.
     "Lily! Oh Alright. But one more time…" Sirius let the threat hang. "Come on," he said, leading the way to the Gryffindor common room.
     Lily sat down on one of the couches and lost herself in thought. Siri was like a big brother to her. He had black hair that was never out of place, and hazel eyes that were always laughing. James Potter was another big brother, with messy black hair and merry chocolate eyes. Remus had sandy blond hair, with kind hazel eyes. All three were big pranksters. Peter Pettigrew was a chubby blond who was a tag-a-long. If he was a girl, you would call him a ditz. Michelle her hair was short. Usually. Everyday it was a different color. She had blue eyes. Kalina, or 'Lina, had chestnut brown hair and grey eyes. All of her friends were very good-looking, and Lily felt out-of-place sometimes. In reality, though, she was every bit as pretty as her friends. Her red hair reached to her waist. Her electrifying green eyes looked as if they held mysteries of places yet to be seen. She was very short, only 4'11" and very slim.
     "Lily! Earth to Lily!" said Remi playfully. All of sudden, there was a blue flash, and Lily felt herself falling into darkness…

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