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Chapter 10

     ‘Tris! Tris! Are you there?’ called Daja. ‘Earth to Tris!’
     ‘Okay, okay, I’m listening!’ replied Tris.
     ‘Okay. We’re brilliant. We have a wonderful plan to get Niko!’
     ‘What is it?’
     ‘We are going to put a spell on Niko so that he starts singing a stupid song in front of the Duke and all the nobles in Summersea! Great plan, huh?’
     ‘Don’t you think that he’ll get really mad at us?’
     ‘Yeah, but what can he do to us?’
     ‘A lot.’
     ‘Good point, but still…’
     ‘Still, what?’
     ‘We should still do it! We’re going to do at the meeting today at noon. That’s in about an hour. Make sure you get here!’
     ‘Okay. I’ll get moving. I’ll see you there!’
     ‘Okay! Bye!’
     Tris stood up and headed for the door. She was a good half an hour away from Summersea, and she had to be there within an hour. She climbed in the carriage that was waiting for her.
     “I need to be in Summersea in a half an hour. Can you make it there?” Tris asked the driver.
     “Whatever you want, miss.”
     “Okay. Then let’s be off to Summersea!”
~~~~~~~In Summersea!!!~~~~~~~~~
     “Where is Niko? He should be here by now!” asked Sandry nervously. “What if our trick doesn’t work?”
     “He’ll be here, don’t worry,” said Briar. “You know how he is. If he misses even the tiniest thing, he’ll get so worked up!”
     “And there he is right now!” whispered Daja.
     “When should we get him?” questioned Tris.
     “How ‘bout we get him right in the middle, when he is doing his speech!” asked Briar.
     “Great idea!” exclaimed Daja. The other two nodded agreement.
     “K. Then I’ll tell you when,” said Briar. “Not out loud, of course! That would be so stupid! But, anyways, yeah, so ya all will know when to do it. Let’s go!”
     The four took their stations.
~~~~~~~~~An hour later…~~~~~~~~
     ‘K. Ready everyone?’ asked Briar silently.
     ‘Ready!’ answered Sandry.
     ‘Let’s go!’ said Daja.
     ‘Well, what are we waiting for?’ injected Tris.
     The four spun their magic together, focusing on making it so Niko would make a complete fool of himself. They send their magics shooting at Niko.
     Niko looked at them for a second before their magic hit him. Then the four felt themselves falling into the middle of darkness…
* * *

To Chapter 11

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