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Chapter 3

     Kel sat up, moaning from the pain in her leg. She must have fallen on it. All she could remember was falling, and then blackness. She sat up, or that is, tried to. She fell back, moaning. In an instant, Cleon and Neal were at her side.
     "Kel, are you alright?" asked Neal, worry painting every corner of his face. That was no surprise, as Neal and Kel had been best friends since their first year as pages. Neal was tall and willowy, with brown hair and green eyes that matched Kel's.
     "Kel??" asked Cleon. Cleon was another of her close friends. He had wiry auburn hair and stormy gray eyes.
     "I must have landed wrong on this leg," said Kel through gritted teeth. "It hurts really bad."
     "Well, you're in luck," said Neal, his eyes sparkling. "I just finished learning how to mend cracked and broken bones! It is a very easy process, but actually doing it takes hard work, because first you have to…"
     "I don't really give a darn on how you do it, as long as you do it!" snapped Kel, who was getting quite impatient by that time. She knew she shouldn't give in to having it healed and should have acted like all the warriors in the Yamani Islands, but her leg hurt too much.
     "Fine," drawled Neal. "if you don't want me to heal it, fine." He started to walk away, but Kel reached out to grab his leg.
     "Oh no you don't!" growled Kel, at the end of her patience. "You get over here and Heal this leg before I get really mad!"
     "Oh fine! Just hang on for a second. Let me grab my things…"
All of a sudden, out of the flawless blue sky came tumbling nine people. They landed on the grass not ten feet from where Kel was laying.
     "What in the world was that?" exclaimed Cleon.
     "I have no idea," said Kel.
     "I know what they are," said Dom. "Those were people!"
     "No, really!" said Daine, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I thought they were lambs! What did you think they were?!?! Rocks!?!?"
     "Hey, Kel and Cleon didn't seem to know that! And on second thought, neither did I, until a minute ago! And I did think they were rocks at first!" said Dom indignantly.
     "Shut up! Lets check and see if they are alright," injected Numair.
     "Yeah! Maybe they got hurt since they fell from the sky!" commented Dom.
     "Dom, will you ever get any brains? I would guess they are hurt, and we already know that they fell from the sky! Gee, you sure know how to state the obvious!" said Daine.
All except for Kel went over to see if the nine were okay.
     "Hey! What about my leg!!!" shouted Kel at their retreating backs.
* * *
To Chapter 4

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