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Chapter 4

     "Bloody h***! What happened!" Lily heard someone exclaim.
     "I don't think that we're in school anymore," a voice that sounded like Peter offered timidly.
     "Wow, Pettigrew actually got something right! Everyone clap!" Drowsily Lily wondered what Snape was doing here, wherever here was. Smack!
     "Shut up you f*****! It isn't his fault!" Lily thought that was Michelle.
     "You know Snape, if I hear one more word from you… How do you like the color pink?" That was DEFINITLY Sirius.
     "Actually, Padfoot, I think that red hearts would go better!" James? Remus? Lily couldn't tell.
     "Pink Hearts. That's a compromise!" That was Remus, so the other had to be James.
     "What happened?" Lily thought that it sounded like 'Lina.
     "I don't know. But is everyone alright?" That must be Ara, Lily thought.
     "No, where's Lils?" Remi asked. Lily tried to say here, but she couldn't. She was too tired.
     "Excuse me, but is everyone here alright?" a voice asked that Lily couldn't recognize.
     "Actually, Neal, they are probably a bit sore, seeing as they just fell out of the sky. Maybe you should help them. They would appreciate it. You know, since they did fa-"
     "Shut up Dom." Another new voice. "Do you always have to state the obvious?"
     "Excuse me, but I don't believe we know who you are. I'm Sirius Black, these are James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Michelle Kalbin, Arabella Figg, and Kalina Mendelis. We can't find Lily Evans, our other friend. Oh yeah, and this is Snape." Said Siri, rolling his eyes at the last bit he had added.
     "We'll help you look for Lily," said a voice. Dom? "I'm Nealen of Queenscove, Neal for short, these are Keladry of Mindelan, Kel, Domitan of Masbolle, Dom, Numair Samalin, Veralidaine Sarrasri, Daine, and Cleon of Kennan."
     "Of?" asked Michelle.
     "Yes. That IS where we were born, ya' know. We're nobles," said Dom. Lily heard laughing.
     "What?" asked Neal.
     "Nothing, just that nobles and stuff are like centuries ago where we come from," said 'Lina.
     "I found her!" exclaimed Sirius. "Lily? Lily, can you hear me?"
     Lily moaned.
"She's alive!" said Dom.
     "Dom? Is it a habit of yours to state the obvious? And VERY obvious?" asked Sirius.
     Dom said "No!" at the same time that Daine said "Yes!"
~ ~ ~
To Chapter 5

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