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Chapter 8

     "Are you all right Cleon??" asked Neal cautiously.
     "I bet he isn't okay, because he just got beat-up by a girl!" pointed out Dom.
     "No. Really. I thought he was picking daisies and fell down!!" said Daine. "I would bet he is hurt!"
     "Sorry," muttered Dom.
     "Well, are we just going to stand here all day, or are we going to see if Cleon s all right?" questioned Numair.
     Everyone walked over to Cleon.
     "Hey Cleon, testing 1, 2, 3! Can you hear us?" called Kel.
     Cleon didn't answer.
     "I think he's unconscious," stated Dom.
     "What do you think he is, asleep? And do you always have to state the obvious?" asked Daine.
     "Hey, I don't state the obvious!"
     "Do to!"
     "Do not!"
     "Fine. I know, we will have a poll of sorts. Okay, who thinks Dom states the obvious." Twelve hands were raised. "Okay, who thinks Dom doesn't state the obvious?" Zero hands. "Well, I think that settles that!"
     "Excuse me!" Lily said over all the talking. "I'd like to apologize about your friend Cleon, but the way he was going on! He had it coming to him. So, I am sorry."
     "It's ok. I know how it feels to have people thinking you aren't good enough because of looks, gender, etc.," said Kel.
     "Ok! I should say it's not OK! This little girl beats up Cleon, and he is STILL out cold on the ground, then says he 'had it coming to him'! What are you thinking about, Kel!" yelled Dom.
     "Really, Dom, some of the things he said about her WERE very offensive. So, she had the right to do what she did," said Numair.
     "Really! It wasn't her fault Cleon can't fight!" said Ara.
     "Cleon can too fight! I'll bet he was going easy because she's so small and young!" retorted Neal.
     "Hey! Lils might look too small, but she is a better fighter than any of us! And she's like my little sister, so watch your mouth!" replied Sirius.
     "Hey! Can we stop talking about me like I'm not here!" yelled Lily.
     "She is here!" said Dom.
     "Shut that cakehole, Dom!" Daine said, exasperated. "I'm not going to say it anymore. YOU STATE THE OBVIOUS!!!!"
     "Humph." Groan. "He's awake! He's alive! Neal, you should Heal him!" said Dom. "He's hurt! You know, since he just got-"
     "DOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Daine.
     "If you would let me, I could heal him up. It wouldn't take as long as your way," said Lily.
     "Yeah," said Remus, "she's the best at healing charms in the lot of us!"
     "Better than YOU, Moony!" said James teasingly.
     "Just get the poor boy healed!" said Michelle. "No need to go into who is the best at it! Though I do agree with Remi. Lily IS the best!"
     "I don't trust you. I don't know where you came from. And some of you have blond hair. The Scanrans have blond hair. And your magic is different," whined Dom.
     "Why don't ya tell us the sky is blue, Dom!" said Daine.
     "Actually, the atmosphere which makes up the sky is clear. What makes the sky look blue is a respective, two-way, reflection of the oceans surface. So technically, you say the sky LOOKS blue. With-" said Numair.
     "Just let me heal Cleon!" said Lily.
     "No. I want Neal to do it," injected Cleon stubbornly. "You were the one who made me like this!"
Neal went over and started muttering. A few minutes later he started the process of Healing Cleon.

To Chapter 9

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