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Chapter 9

     "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Peter.
     "Peter, shut up," said Ara.
     "I think you might want to help him," drawled Snape.
     "And why is that Snape?" asked James.
     "There is a Chimaera trying to eat him."
     Kel took one look at the Chimaera, and gulped. It had a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail.
     "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Peter, and then, he was gone.
     "Uh oh," Kel heard Michelle whisper.
     "What are we going to do? Only one person has ever killed a Chimaera, and he died soon after!" stated Lily.
     "That thing is weird. It has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail!" exclaimed Dom.
     "No, really Dom, we already know that. It is kind of obvious." Stated Daine. "I can try talking to it."
     "You can talk to it?!?! How?" exclaimed Sirius.
     " I have something called Wild Magic. It gives me the ability to speak to animals, or any creature that is not part human," replied Daine.
     "Awesome!" said Michelle.
     "Let me try. It might not work on this thing because it has three different parts, rather than two," said Daine.
     Daine tried as hard as she could, but she could not talk to the Chimaera.
     "I can't. It doesn't work," said Daine miserably. "I thought it would, but I think it is too young."
     "Then we will just have to kill it," stated James.
     "Could you please kill it before it eats me!" shouted Snape. "It is getting quite close!"
     "So you do something called moving! Ever heard of it? It is where you put one foot in front of the other!" sneered Sirius.
     "Padfoot, it obviously comes from the same place as shampoo! Snape's never heard of either of them!" laughed Remus. "Wait. Do you think it would listen to a fellow creature, as in, say, a unicorn?"
     "It might, but where are we going to find one of those? I can't change into magical creatures, because I'd be stuck forever as one of them," said Daine.
     "I could change into a unicorn. I don't get stuck, or at least I didn't the last twenty or so times I tried!" said Lily. With a pop, Lily was gone and in her place was silver unicorn.
     “Wow!" exclaimed Daine.
     Excuse me, err…Chimaera? asked Lily silently.
     Huh??? Who said that? replied the Chimaera.
     Err…me. The unicorn.
     What do you want?
     For you to please stop trying to eat the humans.
     Why would you care? You're not a human.
     I owe them a favor.
     Well, I don't care.
     And the Chimaera kept right on going.

To Chapter 10

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