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Welcome to my humble home on the web. I go by Redcap around here. It has been, I don't know, about a year perhaps, since I last updated my site. But all that has changed! That is, I've updated my site. I think my host here has doubled my space so I may just have to stretch out and see if I can't fill my crumbling castle with new items. Some of them might even be interesting. You never can tell with redcaps. Poke around. Watch out for falling rocks.


All About Redcap

Redcap's Bio -- Everything you could ever want to know about me...well, okay, everything I'm ever likely to post up on a website.

Redcap's Personal Pictures -- Me, my friends, my family.

Redcap's Fairey Pictures -- Combining my love of fairies and Ren Faires


Redcap's Scribblings

Poetry Pages -- Because even bloodthirsty goblins have to express themselves.


Redcap Creations

Fabric, Fluff, and Fantasy -- Where the dolls are

Putting One's Best Face Forward -- Where I keep my masks


Redcap's Links

My Brother's Site -- My brother the Doctor (as in Ph.D.)

Jessa June -- Much that is useful, amusing, and entertaining. Complete with a journal filled with fun links.

Booboolina -- Blogger extraordinaire. Should keep you busy for a while with links to numerous sites. Most of which are more interesting than this one.

Pixie -- Fairy, photographer, and friend. She has inspired many of my words.

The Four Postmen -- "The World's Greatest Rock Group" and, of far more importance, old friends of mine.


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