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Redcap's Dolls


Dolls?! Yep. That's right. I sew dolls for fun and (occasional) profit. Most of the dolls I make are fairies or goblins (surprise!) but I also make the occasional teddy bear and a sprinkling of assorted other creatures (even a series of self-portraits). Most of my past creations have been given away to friends, some have been sold, and few are still hanging around my apartment. Below are thumbnails of those dolls that I have decent pictures of. Just click the thumbnail to go to that doll's page and see the full-sized picture. Where possible I have scanned the doll directly on my scanner to give a really good look at it. Being a writer of fairy tales, most of my creations have some kind of story behind them, as well. Those that do will have that story on the same page as their full size picture. If you have any comments or questions feel free to drop me a line.


Dawnblossom Mosswaddle Gossamer Gloom Spindizzy Goblin King
Gritsifter Bloodroot Fairy & Gremlin Nyanza Changeling & Sally
Goblin Emperor Mudbud Leprechaun Spark Mermaid
Littlest Mermaid Wild Posy Daisy Jane Ping! Understump
Air Earth Fire Water Ghostie
First Bear Polar Bear Pooh Yorrick Merbear
Mr. Blue Lovebug Country Girl Moon Redcap: Jester Edition
Redcap: Nerd Edition Redcap: Formal Edition Redcap: Pirate Edition Redcap: Jungle Edition Redcap: Fetish Edition
Fetish Nightshade Inky Rose Shimmermist Winterseed
  Little Emily Super Star! Sick Bear  
  Snowman Elf Photo Santa  

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