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Oddly enough, most of the pictures I seem to have of myself were taken while I was wearing some kind of costume or another. I suppose I can blame this on being an actor and/or being really fond of Halloween. (Don't know what I'd put on this page if I didn't have that long, black jacket.)

This is a picture from a few Halloweens back. At this particular party we were to come as our favorite villain. I'm meant to be the devil. They are tough to see but I have little horns on my head. Do I look devilish?


Halloween 1998. I made the straight jacket and the (difficult to see) Hannibal Lechter-esqe mask I'm wearing myself.


I wore this outfit to the 1998 Labyrinth of Jareth in San Diego. Big party drawing its inspiration from the movie Labyrinth (and others movies like it). Lots of fun. Visit their site. I attempted to attend the 2000 masquerade in Los Angeles but, due to some confusion, I was unable to make it. That being the case, I've included pictures below of what I would have worn there if I'd been able to attend. =)

I made the goblin mask I'm wearing here myself.  Aren't I good? <g>

The planned outfit after I tired of wearing the mask.


Me at the Renaissance Faire in Novato in '98. (The last year there *sniff*) I am of the opinion that I photograph much better when there is a beautiful woman with her arm around me. (At least that's what I plan to say at the faire from now on <g>)


If one beautiful woman in the picture helps, two can only make it better. This is me all dressed up at a cast party for Hamlet ESP with the two women who played Hamlet along with me. (Long story.)


Finally, the only picture of me wearing something close to my normal attire. The environment, however, is far from my norm. Note how I utterly fail to look outdoorsy.


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