Fanfic stands for "fan fiction." Basically, a fan of the game, movie, or anime (or whatever the theme for the story is from) borrows the characters and puts them in different situations throughout a storyline.
For instance, in the game "Final Fantasy VIII" a fan might not have wanted the characters Rinoa and Squall to be paired up, as they were in the game. The fan might make Rinoa fall in love with Seifer again, instead.
You'll likely run across songfis as well. Those are pretty much the same as fanfics, except the writer has incorportated their fanfic to fit in with the lyrics of a particular song.
Below are a few links to fanfic websites. There are so many that I couldn't combine all the fanfics to my website!
There are warning ratings on most of the stories with anything higher than a "general audience" rating. I do not list them here, simply because there are so many fanfics that I'd have to read, then rate. So... read them at your own discretion. If you don't like something you read on the site you go to, don't return to it. There are hundreds of fanfic links.
Happy reading!
Role-Playing Game-Based fanfics
The Slayer's Fanfic Archive
Anime Web Turnpike: Fan Fiction
Dragon Ball Zeta fanfics
Christal's Favorite Fan Fiction
Final Fantasy VIII fanfics
Karsten's Favorite fanfics
DBZ fanfics
RPG Dreamers
X-Men Fanfics
More X-Men fanfics
Pandemonium: A collection of fanfics
The Hall of Literature: Rurouni Kenshi Fanfics
Lara's Fanfics
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