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.::DBZ ND::.

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Android Number 14-A big blue guy from dbz movie 7. He's the "strongman" of the three androids in the movie. He eventually faces off one on one with future trunks.
Android Number 15-He's the "alchoholic android" in dbz movie 7 that takes a swig from his whiskey can every few minutes. He is very tiny and is killed by Vegeta.
Android Number 16-A pacifist artificial human, he is soely devoted to killing goku, but as for the earth, he loves it and wishes no harm to come to it. He supresses his goal to kill goku long enough to join the cell game, but ends up sacrificing himself against cell to make gohan achieve Super Saiyjin 2.
Android Number 17-One half of the "Devilish Pair", number 17 is an enhanced human. His sister is android number 18. His last real battle takes place with piccolo. He's later absorbed by cell and dies with him, but he's ressurrected with the dragon balls.
Android Number 18-Number 18 takes a much larger role in the series as she goes on to marry krillin later in dragonballz, and fight alongside goku for a bit in dragonballgt.
Android Number 19-An entirely mechanical machine, Number 19 has the ability to suck ki into a red ball on his palms. He is killed by vegeta.
Android Number 20-This is also an android like 19. He also can suck in energy with his palms. He is Dr. Gero, the creator of the androids. He made modifications on his self to become an android. He is later killed by his own creation Android Number 17.
Aqua-He resembles a cross between a fish and a man. He competes in the Heavens Tournament. He changes the arena to water when he is fighting goku. Goku eventually rings him out.
Almond-The stockiest of the villians in dbz movie 3. He's killed by goku.
Angira-A pretty-boy villian in dbz movie 4. Modeled after zarbon, he is killed when he swallows his own ki attack that goku deflects back at him.
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