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Best of Nic Fic
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Linkage                                                                                                                                                       Home

Krycek Lives!
A LiveJournal community dedicated to Krycek. Come here to get your fix of fiction in all pairings, fanart, icons, and more!

Emeraldteal's Home
Krycek art (click on manips) as well as a lot of non-Krycek related art, poetry, etc.

The Cave
Literate X-Files discussions, background information and LoneThinker's XF fanfiction.

Tracing Mansions
Spica's X-Files fanfiction. Here, you'll mostly find Krycek, angst and het romance. Krycek/Marita, Krycek/Kim and Krycek/Scully, and also the odd story without any Krycek at all!

The RATales Archive has been resurrected, so go visit. Long live RATales!

The archive site for NickZone. *The* site for information and fic about any of Nick's other roles. But don't despair, you'll still find Krycek-fic in the Alex Annex.

Nic Lea Adoration Gallery
More high quality pics than we can shake a stick at! And we can shake a lot of sticks . . .

Hegal Place
Home to MSKipperVille, and the works of Satina, David S., Shannon, SugarRush, Marcia Elena, Flutesong, Fran, Logan, and the MSKipperVille archive.

Blondie's Ratcave, a K/Marita site, which is now also home to Laurie Holden: Leading Lady and the soon to be open It's All About Nick

The Krycek Factor. This is Krycek's page. He will always be here. So will the people who knew him: Mulder, Scully, CSM, Marita, Spender, Skinner...and Doggett too.

A good site to check out--but watch out, it's in french!

General X-Files

Huge X-Files fanfiction archive. Go now.

Another huge archive, which authors can post to directly.

Link to Us

If you want to link to us, just grab the banner of your choice and drop us a line about it.


Mailing Lists

This is a place to share your collection of Nick Lea pictures. If you can accept attachments then I hope you will join in. Please note: this is not a list for ADULT pictures.

This is a list dedicated to stories about Nick's lesser-known, but just as compelling, characters. Requires an age statement

This mailing list is for the posting, discussion, and recomendation of X-files fanfic featuring the character of Alex Krycek. Members must be at least 17 years of age to join. The list allows the posting of NC-17 fanfic of all persuasions.

I created this group out of frustration at the lack of respect shown to most OFCs (original female characters) in fanfiction, and the tendency to class them all categorically as Mary Sues, you know, that dreaded term encompassing wish fulfillment or too perfect characters, which many OFCs are classed as out of hand...


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