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Random Fun                                                                                                                                                   Home

This is where we keep all the fun stuff, so visit often!

Why do you like Krycek?

We like Alex because he's bad. Badbadbad and oh so sexy. Those eyes, that voice, that butt . . . The list could go on forever. Since you're here, you must like him too. So why do YOU like Alex Krycek? Just type in your reply, leave your name and if you like, an email addy, and we'll post your reponse.


OMG!! He's like, totally hot!! He's so tall and he's got great eyes and I love him soooo much!! He's so bad, and it's sooooo sexy!!!

If the man looks that good at 40, all I've got to say is, "Damn."

Three enthusiastic thumbs up! And no, I'm not going to explain. You'll have to figure it out on your own.

He's a spy and he wears leather. What more do you need to know?

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