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Created by: Mime

Name: Timoteus (elf) Timmy (human)

Race: Half-elf/Half-human

Age: 22 (in elf years)

Birth Date: July 10th

Brothers/Sisters: None

Mother(dead)/Father(alive): His father is Brink, a man who travels under the name of The Collector and is the keeper of the fire whistle. He married a Human and they had Timmy, one of the first half elves. His mothers' name is unknown.

Cousins: Dunny-his father's brother's child.

Best Friend: Sprink

Enemies: The Alliance- (Ben Bane and Tinopy)

Greatest Fear: Loosing his friends.

Weapons: He has a sword named Whisperer. On one side it has hatch marks for cutting, making it look kind of like a cheese grater. On the other side there are ancient elven runes forged into the metal, spelling out its name. It was his fathers, and his fathers' fathers and so on. Timmy also processes very limited magic, which he hardly ever uses and has become very out of practice using.

Past History: (From being born to where he entered the plot) As a Half elf, he was shunned from the elven society, and his Father was forced to leave in shame. He and his mother fled the city, to Arborlorn where she trained him until he was ten. After that she took him from Lylack to a planet called earth, leaving him at a thieves guild so he would learn survival skills. Many years later the organization was been disbanded, the leader killed. That was when he met Sprink. (See: Sweet in Sour [currently in progress]) Quotes: 'the one thing least understood about me is my past'

Appearance: Timmy has light brown hair, which tends to have a mind of its own. His eyes are like dark blue gauze that twinkles when the light catches them just right. His ears are semi-pointed, more pointed than humans are, but less than that of an elf's. His smile almost never fades. As far as dress goes, Timmy doesn't pay much attention to style. Fancy-dos don't last too long when you're head to head against a dragon. Anyway, when they aren't torn and tattered from battle, he wears a black shirt with a dirty brown vest-like thing over top. He has a brown cape for traveling in, but doesn't usually wear it. His pants are black with a blue ring on each of the leggings where they meet the shoes. The shoes are black with black laces, souvenirs from his stay on earth.

Attitude: Timmy has a positive mental attitude. He's friendly and glad to be alive. Perhaps because of his childhood, friendship is one of the most important things to him. When Timmy was a child he grew up, as a half-elf in the elven city of Lorein at a time when being a half-elf was worse than committing murder. As a result he had no friends. Now, many years later he is still scorned by most Elves. He however welcomes friendship wherever he can find it. He doesn't get upset quickly and will forgive all wrongs if you are truly sorry. Timmy has also hardened himself to not show emotion, another side effect from his childhood. When he was taunted and bullied as a child he learned that not showing how angry or upset you were made the tormenters leave him alone. This hardening hasn't left now that he is grown, and as a result he tends to seem emotionless at times. Under this thick skin however is someone who cares very much about what is happening around him, and yearns to do something about it. This may be why he is against the alliance enough to try and stop them. Timmy is constantly struggling in an inward battle against himself to continue on. Half of him wants to give up, seeing little use in continuing on against impossible odds, and the other half strives to continue no matter what is in the way, because he believes it is right. He feels useless at times because he doesn't have the swordsman skills of his friend Sprink, and his magic is nearly as powerful as Alex's is. He knows that he alone couldn't stop any one of the members of the alliance by himself, and so has decided he will simply help his friends so that they can. When they first stopped Ben he was the leader in a sense, practically dragging everyone along with him to defeat Ben. Now that Ben has returned however, he seems to have faded into the group and is only along for the ride. He goes where Sprink goes, and tries to help where ever he can.

Read Timmys Diary