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 Dar Ty'lan


SUITE: Mytical Realms, but is because he and his minions SNUCK IN!!  I should know I watched them . *winks* And NO before ya ask I did`nt help them

NAME:Dar Ty`lan
AGE: He`s an elf, he`s older than snot! But ok, looks maybe 23 or sss
HEIGHT: He`s a tall sucker. 6'1" for an elf anyways
WEIGHT: He ain`t fallen on me I dunno, guessing 200
HAIR COLOR: kinda a funky reddish black
EYE COLOR: euw...pale yellowy
I`d say dom on this guy

Dark elf
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: If it moves......**nods head**
REASON FOR COMING TO THE RESORT: To take over Mystic Realms and control it the way he and his
flunkies want to. But ya know,,,, that`s
kinda the thing for a dark elf. Think it`s thier motto actually.
FANTASY: Hmmmm...... that one scares me. I`m not gonna even touch it
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: He`s fairly good looking in a dark elf way...     *shrugs*

         (as written by Jazzeriff)


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