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Player: Mark
Suite: Immortal Nights
Name: Isa
Age: appears about 26
Sex: M
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 205
Hair Color: black, about waist length
Eyes: dark green and cat like
Skin tone: olive
Dom/ Switch/ Niether: Isa is a student of human 
behavior, this would more than likely align him 
with being Dom. Though, I don't believe he has 
decided yet.
Human/ vampire/ alien? Immortal , A genetically 
enhanced human/hybrid immortal  with vampiric 
tendencies (new species undefined)
Appearance, a darkwinged angel
Sexual Pref: het
Reason for coming to the resort: Isa was the first 
born of the new generation of darkwings, now 
named 'the people'. He was created to be their 
leader and  unlike all the previous births of thier 
species, he was the first not to retain  identical 
features of Raphael. To be specific, he is here, 
on vacation.
 Fantasy: To be free of overwhelming responsibility, 
at least for a short while.
(That does'nt mean he'll get that though LOL)





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