Nighttime Rambles

Pairing: Gen - but even  my genny-est gen piece is really pre-slash

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Blair clutched at his head, trying to drive his fingers deeper, feeling as though he were pushing right through his skull.  Pain spiked into his brain, but still he heard them calling, promising, begging.   

God and Goddess, make them stop.  Please, God, I'm trying to be good.  Please someone, make them stop.  

"Please," he whispered.

His whisper *susurrused* back from the bare walls and empty floor.  There was no one there to hear him.  He'd waited for weeks and weeks to ask for help, and now that he did Naomi was laughing and talking downstairs, and he'd have to do more than whisper, and it might already be too late. Groaning, he threw himself out of the chair and up against the closed window.  God, they were out there.  They were *out* there and they wanted him out there too.  Him and them and they wanted him, and he'd go, oh yes he'd go and he couldn't stop and his fingers were digging and scratching at the glass in his agitation.

Naomi would be mad.  He'd promised not to go again, and it was a good promise, and oh she'd be so mad and scared, but Blair was already pulling on his shoes as though his hands knew more about the business than he did.

And they sounded so *sad*.  They'd been waiting and calling all this time, they had so many things to show him, and why didn't he come back?

"Coming, I'm coming," he muttered as he scrambled out the back and down the fire escape.  He should have known better.  He should have known they'd never leave him alone.  Naomi had tried to tell him… but no.  They were his friends, and they needed him.  They'd told him that on the very first night he'd ever met them, and even though he was just a kid he knew when he was being lied to.  

Naomi hadn't lied to him either, not really.  She was just, well, wrong.  But that was okay, because now things were right again and getting righter as his short legs propelled him across the lawn and into the fields behind the tenement.  He could see them waiting for him up ahead, because they of course knew he'd be coming.  And they were such good friends, and they told the best stories.  

Blair ran and ran, his heart beating frantically because he'd already wasted so much time and he needed to be with them now!  "Sorry," he panted, "please wait for me!"

Two or three threw their heads back and laughed in the chilly night air.  One, the tallest, who knew more stories than any of them, stood still and waited for Blair to reach him.

Blair stumbled to a stop and buried his face and hands in the warm, soft coat.  "Thanks for waiting," he whispered.  "I'm sorry I got confused.  I'm here now."

The wolves turned and led the way across the fields, with Blair trotting alongside his teacher, one warm fist wrapped into the silver and grey pelt.


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