Updated 5/27/08

    • Zoned   Jim and Blair start down a new path.  FRC

    • Simon's Say  A side note in the Zoned story.   FRT-13 for Simon angst.  This one even hurt to write.

    • Meditations on Childhood  2005 Moonridge story.  Jim and Blair.  Their childhoods, their triumphs, tragedies, and their connection through it all.  FRAO

    • Shades of Grey  The beginning of an idea about Dark!Jim.  Please read the warnings and reassurances inside.   FRM

  • Masking A dark little piece reflecting my- I mean Jim's state of mind at that moment.  *G*  FRT

Thanks to the Theban Band for the great art

Fan Rating system courtesy of:  http://tfrrs.tripod.com/
FRC:  Suitable for Children
FRT:  Suitable for Teens
FRT-13:  Suitable for Older Teens
FRM:  Suitable for Mature Persons
FRAO:  Suitable for Adults Only