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Son Goku

(Click to see Goku in his Sage form)

Name: Son Goku
Age: 18 (Add 500 years)
Birthday: April 5th
Blood Type: O
Species: Demon (Actually, he's an Earthly Sage)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Golden
Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches
Weight: 113 pounds
Weapons: Nyoi-bou
Favorite Line: "I'm hungry..."

    This charismatic demon has quite a story, but sadly he can't remember any of it. The only thing he knows is he was imprisoned in Mount Gogyou until a "golden light shined down." This golden light was none other than Genjo Sanzo.
    Goku looks roughy 18 years old. But really, he's about 518 years old. His past eludes everyone including himself. Only the Gods, Goddesses, and everyone in the Heavens know what he did.
    Five hundred years before the story, a child was born from a mountain. He was born from the concentration of the Earth's aura, making him an Earthly Sage. He was found and taken to the Heavens. There, the Merciful Goddess "gave" the child to her nephew, Konzen Douji. The child immediately liked Konzen. All because Konzen's hair was as bright as the sun. Konzen didn't really want the child, but took him anyway.
    One day, the child was running away from Konzen because he had folded some very important papers into Oragami. He hid in a closet, but the closet was already occupied by another childlike person. The other child said that his name was Nataku. He said nothing more about who he was, except he had drawn "facial hair" on someone of importance. Someone caught Nataku. Nataku asked the child what his name was. But the child had no answer for him, since he hadn't been named yet.
    The child ran back to Konzen, who was resting on his bed, and said that he met another child. Konzen didn't ask any questions, but knew he was talking about Nataku. The child then asked Konzen to name him. After several "I don't feel like it."s Konzen named the child. He named him Goku. Days past and Goku was hell-bent on letting Nataku know that he had a name. But he couldn't find him. One day he met Tenpou Gensui. He immediately liked Tenpou, nicknaming him "Ten-chan." Then, later Goku met Kenren Taishou. Goku nicknamed him "Ken-niichan."
    No one in the Heavens like the little boy. No one except Konzen, Tenpou, Kenren, and Nataku. They feared what he would do because he was a heretic. They knew that from the color of his eyes. Everything was somewhat peaceful, until one day Goku overheard Tenpou and Konzen talking. Tenpou said that Nataku was ordered to kill Goku. Goku went to find out the truth. And sure enough, it was the truth. Tenpou, Kenren, and Konzen interferred to protect the little boy they have come to love and care about.
    What happened next is a bit sketchy. No one really knows what happened. Somehow, Konzen, Kenren, and Tenpou were expelled from the Heavens faced with the punishment of reincarnation. Goku was imprisioned in Mount Gogyou with his memory erased of the Heavens and everyone he cared about most.
    Fast-forward five hundred years. One day, while sitting alone in his craggy prison, Goku heard a voice. He looked up and saw a man dressed in monk's robes. The man asked if he had been calling out to him. Goku said, "No. I haven't been calling out to anyone. Who are you?" The monk plainly said, "Come on. You're coming with me. It's fate." In which, Goku has been by the monk's side since then. He protects Genjo Sanzo with his life.
    Goku has to wear a golden coronet to keep his demonic side in check. When it comes off, which it has on more than one occuasion, he transforms into his true state, Seiten Taisei Son Goku (Great Sage Equal To Heaven Son Goku). When Goku is in this form, he knows no friend or foe. He's even attacked Gojyo and Hakkai in this form. He's nearly killed Kougaiji. There are times when he transforms he sees images of Konzen, Tenpou, Kenren, and Nataku. But he doesn't know who they are. He just knows that it's a feeling from long, long ago.
    Despite all that's happened, he's a very spirited boy. He often fights with Gojyo, is smacked on the head by Sanzo's fan, and sees Hakkai as an older brother. He is very strong and powerful. His weapon is the Nyoi-bou, which is a staff that can extend at Goku's will. And he loves to eat.

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