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Lirin's Henchmen
Name: Spot, Porky, and Fluffy
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Species: Demon
Hair Color: Look at the picture
Eye Color: Doesn't matter
Height: Doesn't matter
Weight: Doesn't matter
Weapons: No weapons
Favorite Line: They are Lirin's Henchmen, do you honestly think they would say anything that would be needed to know?

    These three are Lirin's Henchmen. They have only been seen in one episode and those of you that have seen this episode, know that's it's one of the most random episodes of the series.
    It all starts with Lirin trying to "kill" the Sanzo party. Sanzo and the others are really tired of dealing with Kougaiji's little sister. So, they evade every trap set by the little demon. Lirin, then, has the perfect plan. She sets out this HUGE plate of meatbuns hoping that Sanzo, Gojyo, Goku, and Hakkai would stop to eat the food. Instead, the Sanzo party drive away from the plate.
    Lirin starts yeling at them to come back, but they don't. She turns around to see that the plate is missing. She quickly finds three demons about to partake of the meatbuns. She then acquires them as her Henchmen, naming them Spot, Porky, and Fluffy. They try really hard to beat the Sanzo party, but the Henchmen are beat up every time by Sanzo and his companions.
    But just as they, the Sanzo party and Lirin, are about to "fight," Lirin's alarm clock goes off and she leaves to go back to Houtou Castle. She leaves Spot, Porky, and Fluffy behind to deal with the Sanzo party. In which, they get beat up again.
    These three haven't been seen in the series since. And something tells me that they won't. But they are Lirin's Henchmen, none-the-less.

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