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      Read A Story That Will Inspire You To Follow Through With Your Life And See Where It Might Lead Or Where It Could Have Gone ...




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© June 2003 GILBERT ePublications. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter – 01 – The Admission

Danny stood looking out of his bedroom windows, across the bay he could see the city and he was glad he didn’t live there; to many people he thought, just to the left of the city and on a hill overlooking the entrance to the bay stood the light house, a place where he played as a kid. A kid he thought to himself, he’s only sixteen by just a few days now and he still remembered the party, it was great.

Looking to his left and down the path he could see the corner of the house his best friend lived in with his Mom and Dad. He wishes his Mom was still alive she would understand him better than his father he missed her so much. He was just a little boy when he died. No one had known she was sick the doctors told his dad she had a rare blood disease that went undetected.

Danny Donovan loved living on the bluff, up here he could see everything and still be far away for it to bother him, He often sits on the rocks and watched the huge ships and boats come into port and he would image that he was the ship’s captain and it was him that guided the freighters and cruise ships into port.

Dinner his dad yelled from the kitchen and Danny knew that once again he would have to listen to his father complain about his life and what his future would be if he didn’t finish school. The truth be known Danny hated school the hated going everyday but he went because his friend Matthew went and Matthew Wilson loved school and everything about it, Matt challenged his abilities and because of Matt he was doing well in all his subjects.

So why couldn’t his dad see that he loved Matthew and that Matthew loved him. His mom would have understood the love he shared with his best friend. It was only a kiss they exchanged, it was after all his birthday and it was the best present Matthew could have given him, well not the best he thought but it was far better than anything else he wanted or could have.

I don’t want you hanging around the cliffs so much Danny, but dad it’s where Mom and I used to go to read and talk, it’s where I remember her best. Its dangerous Danny the rocks have been breaking away lately, I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ll be all right; I’ve said my piece on the subject Danny. When he dad spoke to him in those tones he knew his dad had said the last word but that didn’t mean he had to listen and he rarely did.

Jake Donovan knew these cliffs and the woods around this area better than anyone he grew up here, and like his father he was the chief forest ranger and he ran a small fishing fleet of boats and like all fathers he wanted Danny to one day take over the business as he had from his dad but getting Danny interested in his business was more difficult than he ever imagined.

Jake could still hear his wife’s voice inside his head, "Let him be Jake, he has to decide what he wants to do with his life, not everyone is cut out to be a fisherman or a forest ranger" he knew she was right but at least Danny should give it a try he thought.

Danny knew that each day after supper his dad always takes a nap and as always he would go up on the cliffs and sit on the rocks he and his Mom used to sit on and they would watch the fishing boats come and go out or the ships come into port bringing tourist or trade to the city.

Do you miss it he would ask his Mom, no sweetheart, I’m so glad to be living here, I can still see the city but no I don’t miss it at all. She would hold him in her arms, he sat on the rocks between her legs and she could cradle him and read to him or tell him stories. She told wonderful tales, tales her father had told to her about times past here on the bluffs and in the city, now it was just him and he sat and stared out into the darkening skies.

Everyone knew the legend of the young boy who was said to have thrown himself off the cliff onto the jagged rocks some hundred feet below but no one really believed it, who would be crazy enough to kill themselves because the person he loved didn’t love him back. Things like that just never happened around here and it was so long ago some say it happened almost twenty years ago and the legend is still being told as if it happened just yesterday.

Danny didn’t hear the boy as he walked up onto the cliff and stood just a few feet away he was lost in his thoughts and as always he was dreaming of a life away from here and a life with Matthew someplace they could be happy together.

I’m sorry the boy spoke now, I didn’t see you, I hope I didn’t startle you, No Danny said, its okay, I didn’t hear you come up. The boy smiled. You can join me if you want Danny said and moved over as much as he dared too on the rock, you don’t mind, no Danny said looking at the boy now in full face. I don’t believe I know you, at least I’ve never seen you here before. The boy smiled. My name’s Billy, William Wesley he said his full name but my friends call me Billy.

I’m Daniel Donovan, yes I know the boy replied as he sat next to Danny on the rock, my friends call me Danny, nice to finally meet you Danny, do you come here often Danny asked, I’m here every day Billy replied with a slight grin. Its beautiful up here, yeah it is Danny agreed. The lady that used to come up here with you, she doesn’t come any longer? No Danny said she died a few years ago, you seen me and my Mom he asked, yeah it was great watching the two of you together, why didn’t you come join us, I didn’t want to intrude. I’m sorry about your mom; I miss her so much Danny blurted out. She’s in a much better place Danny. I sure hope so Danny sighed.

Billy reached up and pulled his torn tee shirt over his head, that better he said, it’s warm out to night, yes it is Danny agreed looking at the white tee shirt laying between them and he looked at Billy, he couldn’t be much older than he was, he was beautiful, his jet black hair and piercing blue eyes framed an angelic face with a warm beautiful smile, his dimpled cheeks gave his face a soft look Danny wanted to reach out and touch the boy but didn’t.

I best be going Danny said after awhile, its getting late and my dad will be looking for me. Your Dad Billy asked, is Jake Donovan, yes, you know him, Billy smiled, sort of yes, don’t tell him you saw me Danny why not Billy, it will only bring trouble, Danny didn’t understand but he agreed. Billy looked at the rocks below as he had done now for the last twenty some odds years and each time he saw himself lying among the jagged rocks, the life draining out of his body until there was none left.

Will you be here tomorrow Danny asked, if you will Billy replied, I will Billy I’d like to get to know you better, you already know me Danny Billy told him and before Danny could response Billy had vanished, looking all around there was no sign of Billy, lying on the rock was the tee shirt he wore, Danny walked back out there and picked the shirt up, put the soft material to his nose and inhaled deeply, it smiled of salt air and the sea, it smelled fresh and clean, Danny clutched the shirt for a moment and then stuck it into the back pocket of his jeans.

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LAST UPDATED:   Sunday, 12. October 2003  

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