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Three-Way Greed

by Allison K. East


Men can be so stupid, Elizabeth thought, watching Will, Jack, and Norrington in their 3-way sword fight. The answer was so obvious, and if they were not so involved in their own personal issues they would see it. If the heart of Davy Jones was the key to leverage over the Captain of the Flying Dutchman, then logically they could pull together and use that leverage to achieve all their goals. Will could free his father from his servitude aboard the Flying Dutchman (an admirable goal), Jack could get Jones to call off the Kraken, and James Norrington could then take the heart to Lord Cutler Beckett to redeem his lost life and commission.

Although, the thought of Cutler Beckett having leverage over Davy Jones was a troubling one. Whoever could control Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman would control the seas; and if Beckett and the East India Trading Company did that, it would mean the end to piracy. Not that that was such a bad idea in general, but she had… acquaintances... if not friends on the Black Pearl. And she suspected that Jack and the Pearl would be the first pirates Beckett would go after, prior agreements be damned. And, more likely as not, she and Will would be back facing the Hangman’s noose without their wedding night.

Glancing away from the fighting trio, she noticed that the two pirates Jack told to guard the boat (and who looked suspiciously like two of Barbossa’s former crew) were sneaking off with the chest. No more time for thought, she had a chest to retrieve or else the fighting will have been for naught.

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Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean belongs to Disney, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Gore Verbinski.
No copyright infringement is intended