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Almost Like Old Times

by Allison K. East


It was almost like old times, dancing with Emily at Bailey's to what Emily said was their song. 'Nothing Compares To U' by Sinead O'Connor. He still thought it was a depressing song, but he could not deny the feelings that it invoked, dancing with her to it after so long. He could almost forget what had split them up all those years ago, almost forget that the world had ended, almost forget that Emily was engaged to someone else. And dancing there, with Emily in his arms looking up at him, he could tell that she was in the same frame of mind. Their heads inched closer, a kiss imminent...

Nick's rose, courtesy of Pat's Graphics

But they were interrupted by Eric's news, the refugees pouring in. The mood broken no matter what happened, especially with the knowledge that Roger, Emily's fiancee, was among the refugees. A stark reminder that the world had ended, that they had changed, that Emily now belonged to someone else. And no matter how it hurt him, he would let her go, and step back. It was just a stolen moment, after all. Reality would have intervened sooner or later.


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Disclaimer: Jericho belongs to: Jonathan E. Steinberg & Josh Schaer, Stephen Chbodky, and CBS Studios Inc and its parent affiliates. No copyright infringement is intended.

Background anf rose image courtesy of: Pat's Graphics