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No Time to Grieve

by Allison K. East


It all happened so fast. First the news that their patrol was being jammed then shot at by the wall of ‘unidentified craft’ approaching the Fleet, then Zac’s death. When a father loses his son, he is expected to grieve, he needs to grieve. When a brother loses his brother, he needs to grieve; when a sister loses her brother, she needs to grieve. But when can someone grieve when they’re in the middle of an attack threatening the end of their world?

The turmoil did not end there. Not being able to take a moment for much needed grieving for the loss of a son and brother was hard enough; to witness the destruction of your entire world, to know that you have lost a wife and mother as well as friends, and still have no time to grieve and process it all was almost beyond bearing. And this burden was not just one person’s to bear—the remnants of humanity all shared this same burden. The need to grieve, but having no time to do so in the flight for their lives.

Maybe one day, when the Cylons were far behind them, they would be able to take the time to grieve properly and take it all in. but there was just so much to do, and little resources for the continual survival of humanity to do it with. The grieving process would still have to wait.

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