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Hesitation Costs

by Allison K. East


Hesitation costs. It was something that Captain Jack Sparrow had seen time and again, yet he never seemed to learn the lesson. And this time the price was just too high. It was not supposed to be this way. He was supposed to stab the heart of Davy Jones and be captain of the Flying Dutchman forever. Instead, his gloating cost young William Turner his life. The whelp could be a pain, true, and they had betrayed each other a few times; but this was different. This was something that young Master Turner could not wriggle his way out of. Something that threatened to break the young Elizabeth’s heart. And there was nothing he could do about it.

Or was there? William was still clinging to life, with Elizabeth begging him not to let go. Having the whelp stab the heart still got Jones off his back, and gave the young couple at least some semblance of a life together (albeit only once every ten years). But could he do it? Could he give up immortality for such a worthy cause?

Watching Elizabeth pleading with her love, he made his decision. Using the distraction “Bootstrap” Bill Turner made when he fought with Jones for stabbing his son, Jack took the heart over to Will.


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