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Intervening Fate

by Allison k. East


This had to be the shortest marriage in history. That thought was burning in the back of Elizabeth Turner’s mind, but she refused to acknowledge it. Even though she knew it to be true, she refused to accept that her beloved Will was dying before her eyes. She implored him to look at her, to stay with her, but he was fading even as he gasped for breath. The sword was deep within his chest, and she dimly recognised it as the one Will had made for Norrington’s promotion. How ironic. Not that it mattered; there was nothing she could do about it.

Vaguely she was aware that Jack had brought the still-beating heart of Davy Jones over to them. She dared a glance away from Will to see that Jack had placed the heart on the deck, and was putting the remnant of his sword into her husband’s hand. Wordlessly she met the other pirate’s eyes, knowing what he was giving up for her, for Will.

But Will had virtually no strength left, certainly not enough to lift the broken sword that amounted to little more than a dagger. Jack did not let that stop him though. He lifted Will’s lax arm and steadied the hilt as the sword was plunged into the heart. She turned to see Davy Jones react, and stagger off the ship into the maelstrom, then turned back to Will.

But there was no change. He was still fading fast, and as she pleaded with him once more to look at her, the light faded from his clear brown eyes, and they closed; his last breath leaving with a gasping sigh.

“No!” She wanted, needed, to stay with him, but Jack had other ideas. When he pulled her back she could see why, but that did not make it easier to bear. The ship was going down, the crew of the Dutchman were bearing down on Will, and his own father had a knife in his hand, ready to cut out his son’s heart. The Dutchman must have a captain, and now that captain was to be Will.

She winced as Bootstrap stabbed his son, obeying Jack’s command to hold on. She could not make herself turn away from the macabre sight of her father-in-law cutting her husband’s heart out, even as Jack’s pistol was fired and she felt them being lifted into the air, away from the rapidly sinking ship. She felt as though her heart had been stabbed along with Will’s, and was now being swallowed up by the maelstrom along with the Flying Dutchman.

It had to be the shortest marriage in history.

Vine and Flower

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Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean belongs to Disney, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Gore Verbinski.
No copyright infringement is intended

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