Title: Sentinel Treat Author: Mahlia Belonn Fandom: The Sentinel Pairing: Jim/Blair (of course!) Rating: R Status: Complete Archive: If you want it, ask me... I'll probably say yes. Feedback: Please. Flames will be used to toast marshmallows! E-mail address for feedback: mahlia@d2.net.au Disclaimers: The boys don't belong to me (more's the pity), but I am making no money from them, and never will. Notes: Just a short ObSenad that popped into my head and wouldn't leave until I wrote it. Summary: Jim, Blair, Donuts... enough said. Warnings: If you don't like the idea of two men in a loving relationship, or you are under age, then please hit delete now. Sentinel Treat By Mahlia Belonn Jim entered the loft after a long day at the station. He was tired and was looking forward to relaxing in front of the TV with a beer and Sandburg's chatter. He didn't always listen to what Blair was saying, but the voice soothed his mind after the overwhelming noise of the station all day. As he closed the door and threw his keys in the basket, a faint scent of buttermilk caught his attention. At first he didn't really take much notice, but as he hung up his jacket, he realised that what he could smell was donuts... and that it was coming from somewhere in the loft. Jim closed his eyes and dialled up his sense of smell. With determination he followed the scent across the loft. As he walked he was oblivious to anything else. He bent down until his nose was level with the origin of the smell. He took a deep breath and was distracted by a stifled moan from his guide. He opened his eyes and found his face buried in Blair's sweatpants He looked up at Blair and cocked one eyebrow inquisitively. His guide just blushed and looked away. Jim could hear his heart beating really fast, and was aware of the smell of fear and arousal coming from the younger man. Jim gently pulled down the sweats to reveal the donut placed around the base of Blair's hardening cock. As he watched in fascination, Blair hardened further. 2nd June, 2002
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