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Which Blue Waters of Pluto Creature Are You?

An assortment of magical items lay in the sands...which one do you choose?

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Which Blue Waters of Pluto creature are you?

Hmm...what is your personality?
A Gnome, Pixie or Dragon?
Which one will it be?
Take this little quiz and perhaps we will see
Just which Blue Waters of Pluto creature
You were born to be!

1. What would you rather be doing right now?
Playing with fate, dancing with magic or prancing along the Illusion Plains.
Frolicking through the forest causing mischief among the other inhabitants.
Soaring through the night sky watching the creatures down below and wondering how they'd taste.
Soaring through the night sky watching the creatures down below and wondering whether it was you created it or Juni.
Lurking about in your cave munching on some poor dragon.
Controlling hurricanes from the top of a high mountain.
Swimming along playing with dolphins and singing newcomers into a deep sleep.
Turning leaves many different colors and preparing for fall.

2. What is your favorite color?
Gold or Silver.
Anything glittery.
All of them!

3. How do you hope your life winds up?
Easy and generally fun.
Challenging yet magical.
Purely mystifying and spiritual.
Full af adventure and travel.
Fun and pointless.
As long as you can say you've conquered at least ONE country you're good.
Extremely important.
Full of fun pranks, but you wouldn't mind helping out Fairies once in a while.

4. Which do you most believe in?
Power is most important.
Finding yourself will bring the happiest amd most pure life.
Live life while it lasts.
Change is not only good but necessary.
Laughter is the essence of true happiness.
Knowledge comes from experience.
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.
Creations only last a short time, but their memory lasts forever.

5. Which do you hate the most?
Interfering with nature.
Being forced in one place your whole life.
Optimistic, always hopeful people.
A lack of a sense of humor.
The thought of all things bieng the same.
Evil and greed taking over the world.
A lack of imagination and/or dreams.

6. What prticular feature do you wish you had?
A neverending energy source.
The power to create and control magic.
Pretty wings, pixie helpers and magical powers.
A huge army at your command. If you say "Jump", they say "How high?".
Huge scaly wings and the ability to breathe fire.
A height of 1 foot nothing and the power to change the color af leaves.
A long fin and gills.
An absolute understanding of the universe.

7. What is your favorite emotion?
Sheer giddiness.
Relaxed freedom.
That little butterfly-like feeling.
A settled conciousness that everything is in perfect working order.
All of them at once.
Anger and hate.
What you feel when you're laughing so hard you're crying.

8. How smart are you?
Pretty damn smart!
Extremely intellegent when it comes to warfare, otherwise I'm as dumb as a frog in the desert.
EXTREMELY. Don't mess with might wind up as a mutant newt or something.
Dumb as mud. If I were human, I'd be Britney Spears.
A simpleton. I know the ways of the land very well, but I just don't get Algebra.
A little too smart for my own good...
I know everything. And yes, I can read your mind. Why the hell do you like whats-their-name? That person's such a geek!
I know a lot. More than you can even imagine!

9. What kind of friends do you have?
None I can really trust.
Total soul mates. When one gets a papercut 50 miles away, the rest of us feels it.
I am a loner by choice.
Close but we are all very different from each other.
None. I'm way too busy for friends.
Extremely giggly girly-girl friends. Our motto is "One for all and all for ME!"
We are close. We love singing old folksongs around the fire.
Pranksters! Total and complete clowns!

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