Random Tips
6:00-7:00 am NST
2:00-3:00 pm NST
10:00- 11:00 pm NSTP
HIDDEN TOWER: http://www.neopets.com/faerieland/hiddentower.phtml
Speed: Every fifth minute of the hour (example: 5:05)
Defense: Every tenth minute of the hour (example: 5:10)
Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour (example: 5:30)
Life (Hit Points) : Every hour of the day (example: 5:00)
Level: Every two hours of the day! (example: 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 NST)
Doubloons: Every 55 seconds past the hour
Burnt Food: 11:00 - 12:00 NST
Half Price Day - The 3rd of each month is Half Price Day in ALL NEOPETS
Give Away Times
- All times are in NST and given away at the money tree.
- Balthazar's Mega Faerie Giveaway Bonanza = 6 am everyday or wednesday...
- Chocolate Giveaway = 5:50 pm on Sunday
The Wheel of Excitement - If you play the wheel of Excitement exactly on the hour
(NST), 90% of the time you win 10,000 np! (not sure if this is true...)
Employment Agency Times
- 0:00:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
- 0:10:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
- 0:20:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
- 0:30:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
- 0:40:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
- 0:50:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
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