Off Our Rockers!
Off our rockers!

Oh, so you managed to click the "About Us" link.

First of all, congratulations. Your skill with the mouse is to be commended. In case you're wondering, this is a site of innuendo, prevarications and outright lies. We also soapbox on occasion when something irritates us, which means we'll be soapboxing a lot. Therefore, this site's a collection of odd stuff, from writings (of any kind), to a golden chance for you to vent your frustrations in print. Ain't we good to you?

We think so.


About Bingy  

Bingy's a warm-hearted, practical person who loves to go travelling and build castles when she's free. Of course, she'll also dabble in soapboxing and gorge on tubs of ice-cream while she's at it. She likes all things English, and has a penchant for men like Orli (Orlando Bloom. Shame on you, didn’t watch or hear of Lord of the Rings?) Once in a while, she likes to nitpick stuff (all right, all the friggin’ time, who are we kidding here?), but most of the time, she's always good for a hug and a bitch-session.

Bingy's wacky sense of humour and razor-sharp wit make her a perfect travelling companion, but just grab the bed first before she does, and keep all books with bad sex-scenes away from her. No guarantee what she'll do! (sshh, nitpick. What *were* you thinking?) Bingy likes to sulk in order to gain more online hugs and "there, there"s. But her good humour is easily restored once we present her a bowl of yummy yong tau foo. You’ll never find a more lovable, huggable person than Bingy, really. Just remember to give her an entire box of pralines while you’re at it.

Bingy likes to construct things with her hands, apart from writing really good, steamy sex scenes. She loves to go castle searching and run her hands all over the disgusting brick, and once in a while she indulges in palm printing on all the walls she can find. She's been chased out of Buckingham Palace for trying to imprint something on the Queen's butt, no less.

About Junny

Junny is a 20-something purist with penchants for all things Italian and most things Spanish. Her teeth are set on edge by bad grammar, lousy spelling and horrid punctuation. Junny's logic is impeccable and most of the time, unarguable. That comes from four years of Law training...sadly, none of that is undoable. Junny is looking to plague North America in the coming future, after which she intends to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting denizens of the EU.

Junny's a football freak, try Real Madrid and Juventus for size, and has been known to rip down walls with her bare hands in the event of their losing. She has one last named Max, but they have to fit a certain profile. What profile, you ask? So glad you did…click here to find out. (Shameless self-plug).

Junny has a propensity for pasta, particularly pasta cooked by Chinese chefs with long, curling moustaches. She believes that there's nothing more piquant and original than a dish created by a Chinese Pasta Chef. Junny is also into running with the bulls in Pamplona and has been gored several times in the exact same spot, sheer bad luck rather than rotten planning, but into each life must a little rain fall. Junny is always the first to cheer on the matador and call for that particular Spanish specialty. (You know, the one that involves the testicles of the bull that lost that day…?)

Junny's warm heart, readiness to help and weakness for dark chocolate makes her the perfect being to have on your side, particularly on a fog-filled Halloween night.

Bingy & Junny write under the pseudonyms of Ari & Summer Snow respectively.

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