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You can recognise the village leader with his white beard and red clothes. Papa Smurf is no less than 542 years old - and no more either. He uses his wisdom to advise rather than tell people what to do. He often rescues the younger Smurfs from danger. He’s also a pretty good alchemist.





The wicked Gargamel originally created Smurfette to stir up trouble in the village. But Papa Smurf’s magic turned into the charming little Smurf that everyone adores.




The only Smurf to take everything seriously. Brainy is a moraliser who believes everything Papa Smurf says is sacred. Everyone puts up with him, but let’s face it: he’s a bore. In fact, he’s a real pain in the Smurf.



Jokey spends all his time concocting pranks. He builds gift-wrapped packages that explode in your face. He has an endless stream of jokes. Sometimes, he gets on everyone’s nerves.



No matter what anyone says, Grouchy is against it. He grumbles and mumbles and always thinks negative. But underneath it all, he’s a softy and loves Sassette and Baby. But he’d hate it if people knew.

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