Suggested Reading on Irish and Ulster History
Suggested Reading on Irish and Ulster History
The Troubles: Tim Pat Coogan
The IRA: a History: Tim Pat Coogan
On the Blanket: Tim Pat Coogan
Ten Men Dead: David Beresford
The Dirty War: Martin Dillon
The Shankill Butchers: Martin Dillon
God and the Gun: the Church in Irish Terrorism: Martin Dillon
Stone Cold: Michael Stone and the Milltown Massacre: Martin Dillon
Red Hand: the Ulster Colony: Constantine Fitzgibbon
Bobby Sands and the Tragedy of Northern Ireland: John M. Feehan
Modern Ireland: 1600-1972: R.F. Foster
The Uncivil Wars: Padriag O'Malley
The Story of the Irish Race: Seaumus MacManus
The Irish Troubles: J. Bowyer Bell
Negotiating History: Roy Garland (thesis)
Yes! We Have No Bananas: Paddy Devlin
The Price of My Soul: Bernadette Devlin (no relation to Paddy)
Free Ireland: Toward a Lasting Peace: Gerry Adams, MP
Belfast Diary: John Conroy
Siege City: the story of Derry and Londonderry: Brian Lacy
The Revolution in Ireland 1906-1923: W. Allison Phillips
Northern Ireland: a Psychological Perspective: Ken Heskin
States of Mind: Oliver MacDonagh
The Green Flag: Robert Kee (three volumes)
The Twilight Lords: Richard Berleth
The Long War: The IRA and Sinn Fein: Brendan O'Brien
The SAS in Ireland: Fr Raymond Murray
Pig in the Middle: the Army in Northern Ireland: Desmond Hamil
Mirror Hate: the Convergent Ideology of Northern Ireland Paramilitaries 1966-1992 Richard Davis
Nor Meekly Serve My Time: The H-Block Struggle 1978-1981: complied by Brian Campbell
Northern Ireland: Captive of History: Gary MacEoin
INLA: Deadly Divisions: Jack Holland and Henry McDonald
Killing Rage: Eammon Collins
An Ulster Voice: Gary McMichael
Writings From Prison: Bobby Sands
From Fetters to Freedom: the Inside Story of Irish Jailbreaks: Micheal MacUileagold
Guerilla Days in Ireland: A Personal Account of the Anglo-Irish War: Commandant Tom Barry
Red Hand: Steve Bruce
Rebel Hearts: Journeys Within the IRA's Soul: Kevin Toolis
In Search of Ancient Ireland: Carmel McCaffrey and Leo Eaton
The Easter Rising: Revolution and Irish Nationalism: Alan J. Ward
The Course of Irish History: edited by T.W. Moody and F.X. Martin
Famine Related
The Great Hunger: Ireland 1845-1849: Cecil Woodham-Smith
The Great Irish Famine edited by Cathal Poirteir
Ireland Before the Famine 1798-1848: Gearoid O Tuathaigh
The Workhouses of Ireland: the Fate of Ireland's Poor: John O'Connor
The Great Famine and the Irish Diaspora in America: edited by Arthur Gribben
The Great Irish Potato Famine: James Donnelly
Recent Additions
The Politics of Illusion: A Political History of the IRA: Henry Patterson
Nothing But an Unfinished Song: Bobby Sands, the Irish Hunger Striker Who Ignited a Generation: Denis O'Hearn
Curious Journey: An Oral History of Ireland's Unfinished Revolution: Kenneth Griffith and Timothy E. O'Grady
Behind the Lines: The Story of the IRA and Loyalist Ceasefires: Brian Rowan
Who's Who in the Irish War of Independence and Civil War 1916-1924: Padraic O'Farrell
The IRA in Kerry 1916-1921 Sinead Joy
The Provisional IRA in England: The Boimbing Campaign 1973-1997: Gary McGladdery
Armed Struggle: Richard English
Defenders or Criminals? Loyalist Prisoners and Crimnialisation: Colin Crawford
Intimate Strangers: Political and Cultural Interaction Between Scotland and Ulster in Modern Times: Graham Walker
Ascendancey to Oblivion: Michael McConville
Green Against Green: The Irish Civil War: Michael Hopkinson
A Secret History of the IRA: Ed Moloney
Reds and the Green: Ireland, Russia and the CommunistInternationals 1919-1943: Emmet O'Connor
Enough Religion to Make Us Hate: Reflections on Religion and Politics: Victor Griffin
Northern Ireland: Jonathan Tonge
Enduring the Most: The Life and Death of Terrence MacSwiney: Francis J. Costello
A Military History of Ireland: Thomas Bartlett and Keith Jeffery
Changing Shades of Orange and Green: edited by: John Coakley
British Intelligence in Ireland 1920-1921: edited by: Peter Hart
Spenser's Monstrous Regiment: Richard McCabe
Ireland's Holy Wars: Marcus Tanner
Protestant War: The 'British' of Ireland and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms: Robert Armstrong
Loyal to King Billy: A Portrait of Ulster Protestants: Bobert G. Crawford
Transforming Unionism: David Trimble and the 2005 General Election: Michael Kerr
Holy Cross: A Personal Experience: Aidan Troy
Irish Rebellion: Protestant Polemic 1798-1900 Stuart Andrews
The Dissenting Voice: Protestant Democracy in Ulster from Plantation to Partition: Flann Campbell
Hell or Connaught: The Cromwellian Colonisation of Ireland 1652-1660 Peter Beresford Ellis
Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland: An Ethnography of the Gael A.D. 500-1750: C. Thomas Cairney
Self Determination? The Question Ulster Must Answer Richard Cameron
Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles 1968-1993: Paul Bew and Gorgdon Gillespie
For the Cause of Liberty: A Thousand Years of Ireland's Heroes: Terry Golway
The Boyne and Aughrim: The War of the Two Kings: John Kinross
Ulster 1641: Aspects of the Rising: edited by: Brian Mac Cuarta
The Damnedable Question: A History of Anglo-Irish Relations: George Dangerfield
Northern Ireland: The Orange State: Michael Farrell
Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA: Ian S. Wood
The Origins of the British: Stephen Oppenheimer
I think that's really most of the best out of what I've read over the years. I hope that this list may be of use to anyone wishing to understand the problems Northern Ireland has been facing since it's inception and continues to this day. I have been asked a few times to write reviews for these books, but I really haven't the time. I would not put them on this list if they were not well worth the investment of time and money to read if they were crap.
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